Thursday, November 17, 2011

We lost

Somehow we feel betrayed but fair is fair I hope this whole thing causes change and corp don't get drunk on power and I guess they are unstoppable and anyone that voted no I hope u never have to endure the wrath of politics

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Springfield nurses unite for better care

That's right admin is scared in Springfield cuz they are threatened of losing there communist hitler my way or there's walmart
Scare tactics!!! They are gonna shit when Robertson county healthcare workers unite for better care and better wages... Sewer I feel sorry for them goodbye bmws and leere jets I guess ur gonna have to pinch the budget at the top instead of at the bottom at the staff patent level .. Let us take care of our residents and patents they way they deserve!!!!!!! We are winning

We made the paper ( look what ol chris had to say)

There admin of NHC said if u don't like it walmart is across they way and YMCA across the street .... What the hell that's what he thinks of us and his workers!!!!!! The vote scares him cuz he might lose his hitler ways

Which way should I choose

There are so many opinions . Vote yes for change. Vote no cuz they learned there lesson. Or a union wountchange nothing and that i will take away our voice. But with a union they will have to hear us it's like this pic u are gonna have to look into your self and choose which stairs to use and walk up them and make a change and vote what u think!!!! Good luck may god help u choose what truly is inside u and vote ur concious.
Good luck to both sides

Sunday, November 13, 2011

UNION PROUD! EMPLOYEES TAKE CONTROL Put the Power in Our Hands-CHANGE0054 IMAGINE THE GROWTH OPPORTUNITY TO UNIONIZE! So No Matter Where You Work-There We Will Be! There is Power in Numbers- VOTE YES!

Efforts to create a union don’t stop after you win recognition. The next step—winning a fair contract— is just as important. Once your union is officially certified, your employer will be legally required to negotiate in good faith with your union to obtain a written, legally binding contract covering all aspects of your employment. You and your co-workers will elect a negotiating team and decide what changes and improvements you want to propose to your employer. Acceptance of the final agreement will be voted on by you. Unions also offer employees a sense of belonging – a way to identify with a group that’s larger, more powerful than they are individually. “Us/them” is a powerful dichotomy. Unions can help you make your workplace an even better place to work. Not through collective bargaining and contractual strong-arming, but by showing you where you can improve your culture and give your people what they need, want and deserve in advance of organizing activities. Take a look at what the UNION can do for us.

A Voice
On the Job

Only union members enjoy the legal right and power to have a say on the job.

Management has exclusive control and decision making power.


Pay rates are negotiated to ensure fairness for everyone and protected in the union contract. Seniority is recognized.

Management alone decides what's fair pay and can base any raises on business needs, favoritism or anything else.


Protected by the contract. Changes can only be made with employee approval.

Can be taken away or changed at any time.

Promotions &
Hiring Practices

Awarded fairly according to the process agreed to in the union contract.

It's up to management.

Unfair Treatment
& Job Protection

Employees have a protected way to challenge any unfair or questionable treatment with support and representation from their union. Just cause standards are applied with binding arbitration if the parties can't agree.

You're on your own. Any grievance process gives management the last word.


Schedules, vacations, workload, subcontracting, work standards, layoff procedures, hours of work are all agreed to between workers and the employer and protected in the contract.

Management decides what's best for employees.
Protections & Guarantees

Only union workers enjoy a legally-binding written agreement with their employer that defines, protects, and guarantees all terms of employment.

the dues are

the dues are going to be 11 dollars for cna's and 14 for nurses... thats every 2 weeks and it is tax deductable