Thursday, November 17, 2011
We lost
Somehow we feel betrayed but fair is fair I hope this whole thing causes change and corp don't get drunk on power and I guess they are unstoppable and anyone that voted no I hope u never have to endure the wrath of politics
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Springfield nurses unite for better care
That's right admin is scared in Springfield cuz they are threatened of losing there communist hitler my way or there's walmart
Scare tactics!!! They are gonna shit when Robertson county healthcare workers unite for better care and better wages... Sewer I feel sorry for them goodbye bmws and leere jets I guess ur gonna have to pinch the budget at the top instead of at the bottom at the staff patent level .. Let us take care of our residents and patents they way they deserve!!!!!!! We are winning
Scare tactics!!! They are gonna shit when Robertson county healthcare workers unite for better care and better wages... Sewer I feel sorry for them goodbye bmws and leere jets I guess ur gonna have to pinch the budget at the top instead of at the bottom at the staff patent level .. Let us take care of our residents and patents they way they deserve!!!!!!! We are winning
We made the paper ( look what ol chris had to say)
There admin of NHC said if u don't like it walmart is across they way and YMCA across the street .... What the hell that's what he thinks of us and his workers!!!!!! The vote scares him cuz he might lose his hitler ways
Which way should I choose
There are so many opinions . Vote yes for change. Vote no cuz they learned there lesson. Or a union wountchange nothing and that i will take away our voice. But with a union they will have to hear us it's like this pic u are gonna have to look into your self and choose which stairs to use and walk up them and make a change and vote what u think!!!! Good luck may god help u choose what truly is inside u and vote ur concious.
Good luck to both sides
Good luck to both sides
Sunday, November 13, 2011
UNION PROUD! EMPLOYEES TAKE CONTROL Put the Power in Our Hands-CHANGE0054 IMAGINE THE GROWTH OPPORTUNITY TO UNIONIZE! So No Matter Where You Work-There We Will Be! There is Power in Numbers- VOTE YES!
Efforts to create a union don’t stop after you win recognition. The next step—winning a fair contract— is just as important. Once your union is officially certified, your employer will be legally required to negotiate in good faith with your union to obtain a written, legally binding contract covering all aspects of your employment. You and your co-workers will elect a negotiating team and decide what changes and improvements you want to propose to your employer. Acceptance of the final agreement will be voted on by you. Unions also offer employees a sense of belonging – a way to identify with a group that’s larger, more powerful than they are individually. “Us/them” is a powerful dichotomy. Unions can help you make your workplace an even better place to work. Not through collective bargaining and contractual strong-arming, but by showing you where you can improve your culture and give your people what they need, want and deserve in advance of organizing activities. Take a look at what the UNION can do for us.
A Voice
On the Job
Only union members enjoy the legal right and power to have a say on the job.
Management has exclusive control and decision making power.
Pay rates are negotiated to ensure fairness for everyone and protected in the union contract. Seniority is recognized.
Management alone decides what's fair pay and can base any raises on business needs, favoritism or anything else.
Protected by the contract. Changes can only be made with employee approval.
Can be taken away or changed at any time.
Promotions &
Hiring Practices
Awarded fairly according to the process agreed to in the union contract.
It's up to management.
Unfair Treatment
& Job Protection
Employees have a protected way to challenge any unfair or questionable treatment with support and representation from their union. Just cause standards are applied with binding arbitration if the parties can't agree.
You're on your own. Any grievance process gives management the last word.
Schedules, vacations, workload, subcontracting, work standards, layoff procedures, hours of work are all agreed to between workers and the employer and protected in the contract.
Management decides what's best for employees.
Protections & Guarantees
Only union workers enjoy a legally-binding written agreement with their employer that defines, protects, and guarantees all terms of employment.
A Voice
On the Job
Only union members enjoy the legal right and power to have a say on the job.
Management has exclusive control and decision making power.
Pay rates are negotiated to ensure fairness for everyone and protected in the union contract. Seniority is recognized.
Management alone decides what's fair pay and can base any raises on business needs, favoritism or anything else.
Protected by the contract. Changes can only be made with employee approval.
Can be taken away or changed at any time.
Promotions &
Hiring Practices
Awarded fairly according to the process agreed to in the union contract.
It's up to management.
Unfair Treatment
& Job Protection
Employees have a protected way to challenge any unfair or questionable treatment with support and representation from their union. Just cause standards are applied with binding arbitration if the parties can't agree.
You're on your own. Any grievance process gives management the last word.
Schedules, vacations, workload, subcontracting, work standards, layoff procedures, hours of work are all agreed to between workers and the employer and protected in the contract.
Management decides what's best for employees.
Protections & Guarantees
Only union workers enjoy a legally-binding written agreement with their employer that defines, protects, and guarantees all terms of employment.
the dues are
the dues are going to be 11 dollars for cna's and 14 for nurses... thats every 2 weeks and it is tax deductable
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Remember what shit Corp people talked
Don't u remember the mad shit that Corp and admin talked. Ginger monkey mindless sheep I think u corp lovers forgot about what they really think about u yessssss you u are not special ur there monkey!!!! In t shirts and head bands
Friday, November 11, 2011
Without a union u are gonna be fired...... Soon
It is down to the wire. People flipping sides yes saying no and no saying yes. But it all comes down to the vote.. Do you want change or do you
Want it to stay the same? We had a good leader at one time
That acted like a stwart looking out for the residents and staff. So no we didn't need a union now we have a puppet on a string.... That does what she is told no matter if it is right or wrong.... That needs change we need security just like the residents
Sad to say but it is not there!!! Look at all the people that got fired with no just cause
Without the union... You will be fired too no matter what shirt u wear..
Want it to stay the same? We had a good leader at one time
That acted like a stwart looking out for the residents and staff. So no we didn't need a union now we have a puppet on a string.... That does what she is told no matter if it is right or wrong.... That needs change we need security just like the residents
Sad to say but it is not there!!! Look at all the people that got fired with no just cause
Without the union... You will be fired too no matter what shirt u wear..
Thursday, November 10, 2011
it is time to vote yess........
isnint funny how they can wear propaganda VOTE NO shirts that clearly beaks policy ( look it up )
because its for there cause. people wearing them are like people in cuba wearing a FIDEL CASTROL shirt.. no no it dont get no better than this.. i like getting beat up suspended, talked like i was stupid to.
Or that i dont know what im doing, or what im doing is not good enough. that is stupid to me.. but i guess not to the people wearing them. they wear them cuz they are afraid. that must be the only answer
because they are not ignorant. VOTE NO so you can continue to be AFRAID. dont sound like much of a plan... wait CORP is SO GOOD to there PETS oh wait did someone on there side have to work every friday???? i guess it didnt pay to be there infiltrate. something to think about
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I over heard something.......
Those who are the Corp PETS CG STRWBY SH ALL OF THEM are going to VOTE YES........ I saw a txt message accidentally sent to the wrong person!!!!
They just been playing possum!!! Those bitches!!! But at least we are getting there vote... Sorry to out u all but some of us have been union strong from day one!!!!
Vote yes to us
Springfield nurses union
They just been playing possum!!! Those bitches!!! But at least we are getting there vote... Sorry to out u all but some of us have been union strong from day one!!!!
Vote yes to us
Springfield nurses union
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
We have plans to make this a big union of nurses and CNAs county wide. NHC and C.Care. all the HH services. the more people we have in the union the more powerful the union is...... we might be able to work between all of them one day. all the wadges will have to really be comparible. that will be awsome..... once we have so many memebers we can get our own lodge. and that is where the real benifits and we can have our own name...... SPRINGFIELD NURSES UNION HAS A NICE RING TO IT DONT IT!!!! comments????
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
What it's like out there ( looking for work)
Why is job security so important?
I thought after the initial shock of not being able to return to a place u have been for 8 yrs! U say ok I'll go get a job tomorrow.. So u look nothing.... Apply nothing.... Bad reference? Who knows..... Meanwhile bills start collecting!! On and on till it's threatening life termination..... Then u find a job where u don't know how to act cuz u been at the same routine for 8 yrs.... Adjusting family adjusting life fell apart because of a idea of " I think they need to go" with a union in place it would not happen.. Think about it
I thought after the initial shock of not being able to return to a place u have been for 8 yrs! U say ok I'll go get a job tomorrow.. So u look nothing.... Apply nothing.... Bad reference? Who knows..... Meanwhile bills start collecting!! On and on till it's threatening life termination..... Then u find a job where u don't know how to act cuz u been at the same routine for 8 yrs.... Adjusting family adjusting life fell apart because of a idea of " I think they need to go" with a union in place it would not happen.. Think about it
Friday, November 4, 2011
Yes you can be protected
Yes u can and are protected under federal law against false termination related to first amendment right...
A bully can pick on a signal weakling
But when they have a big brother they don't fight or they get there ass's handed to them afterwards
A bully can pick on a signal weakling
But when they have a big brother they don't fight or they get there ass's handed to them afterwards
12 days till yessssss
Everyone needs to reach out to each other and give support!! Just ask ur self 8 Questions
Why are they fighting this so hard
How has standing alone worked out for people when they were on the block?
Will it feel good being treated fairly?
Do they care about us and residents?
Ahhh will they still love u after this?
Who wants back up when shit hits the fan?
When allegations are brought on u will Corp help u or hang u?
The people that are against this are they really good people? Or are they scared they are the ones out the door?
If that don't keep the brain washing away from ur soul then u are truly a monkey for there pleasure!!!
This big budget cut has any of them worried cared about ur resident or are they worried about there checks!!
Why are they fighting this so hard
How has standing alone worked out for people when they were on the block?
Will it feel good being treated fairly?
Do they care about us and residents?
Ahhh will they still love u after this?
Who wants back up when shit hits the fan?
When allegations are brought on u will Corp help u or hang u?
The people that are against this are they really good people? Or are they scared they are the ones out the door?
If that don't keep the brain washing away from ur soul then u are truly a monkey for there pleasure!!!
This big budget cut has any of them worried cared about ur resident or are they worried about there checks!!
But they are a union of machinist
Well bruise is nothing but a washed up business major who couldn't cut it in the banking industry.. He no's nothing about nursing but he is in charge of a few buildings!!!! Really we will grow and once we get enough people in like unionize another place. We can have our own lodge and call it anything we want!!!! Unions need to know about fighting Corp world for us small fries...
No strikes no problems good track record!! Good at what they do !!! So yes it's about having as union of professionals.. That ur scared of...
No strikes no problems good track record!! Good at what they do !!! So yes it's about having as union of professionals.. That ur scared of...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
This post is for questions and answers..........
use the comments to ask the question(s).......If you know the answer please address what question u are answering and leave the answer
comment, by annonymus
question: when is the vote going to be ?
comment, by joeblow
answer : nov16th
on and on thanks,
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Former employee : Yankee wrote:
Ive been following the blogs n i jus want 2 tell u all im so proud of what ur doing 4 yourselves n for the care of those residents I hope that all the lying backstabbing heifers that had there hands in on gettin the fabulous 4 fired n the countless others that they fired or they let just walk away or not allowed 2 quit until it was convient 2 the facility (eloy & tina miss u) i hope when the dust settles n the smoke clears that the union is shining on all of u U deserve it n the residents do 2 I hold my head up proud everyday im on ur side our paths will cross again
Corp loyalty care about us..... Negative
Fucking lies betrayal unwanted aggression.... Fear in my opinion they are union busting.... How many thousands of $$$ did u pay to be guided in this practice ....
As far as shutting the doors ain't no money to be made by that practice...
Worst they can do is sell it and that won't be bad .... All I have to say is no loyalty from corp the best and long time employees ...Linda Dowlen... Christine Rutland...Jimmy Thorson... Darlene Baldwin...___________ fill in the blank on who is the best and is next.... Comment who u think is the next one in line.
As far as shutting the doors ain't no money to be made by that practice...
Worst they can do is sell it and that won't be bad .... All I have to say is no loyalty from corp the best and long time employees ...Linda Dowlen... Christine Rutland...Jimmy Thorson... Darlene Baldwin...___________ fill in the blank on who is the best and is next.... Comment who u think is the next one in line.
West wing huddle
West wing Adon was rude couple days ago wouldnt even speak when she was spoken to said everybody she thought was her friend lied to her face said she was going to be all about her.... ( guess what if u vote in union she loses power and might have to ahhh go to the floor or fired cuz she ain't a RN).... So with her preaching vote NO IT IS FOR HER NOT U.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
What is your plan
Every one has a plan during this transition, hmm might I say. Are you gonna play possum?
Are you going to be REALLY REALLY OUT LOUD pro union?
Denie denie denie yes and or no depending on the company u are keeping!
It was stated in court that if the union votes in they are gonna have to change the hand book
Cuz all the scare tactic policies are out the window. And just do ur job. People who work hard are gonna love the union! Looser pain in the asses that are lazy are still in jeopardy.
I bet the losers are anti union are crammed up admin asses so far they have a sence of they won't fire me I give them info and help them..... Guess what they do not!,,, they are gonna use u and when they are done they will throw u to the wolfs that you betrayed.... And Corp has no problem telling who are the RATS.... YOU DON'T THINK WE KNOW WHO U ARE! Don't act like us and be them. That is not cool. Worried about ur job. Stop thinking of yourself and thi k of the residents and your friends. ROLL WITH US OR GET ROLLED OVER by admin. And race is not a issue here even if you want it to be sorry. Cuz we are all idiots to them you are the ones freely talking. They make u feel special how sweet....
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Well it's official
Went to court CG AND KP and Sw the cna testified for gIc they think it's a great place!!! Or was they scared? VJ NO AND JH testified pro union WAY TO GO WAY TO HAVE BALLS TO FIGHT THE MAN call them the untouchables !!!!!!!
Well vote stands for med nurses and cna's RN's are filing separately... But it's on on on
Go UNTOUCHABLES with there labor board cards in there pocket ... Let's see how stupid Corp is go ahead and fire for bullshit
One person should file right now
Well vote stands for med nurses and cna's RN's are filing separately... But it's on on on
Go UNTOUCHABLES with there labor board cards in there pocket ... Let's see how stupid Corp is go ahead and fire for bullshit
One person should file right now
How many brain washing sessions does it take to change a vote?
I know of one cna that was approached 7 times in one shit I mean shift. What's up with that I mean how much evidence do u need that they will do anything to avoid treating us fairly... Thoughts comments experiences
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sneaky sneaky ,,,, be careful what u say
Well there are nurses, cna's, dietary. Ect... That are anti union... ( not alot ) but there amongst us creeping listening reporting who is doing what where why stuff, Adon asked a shady cna to find out who signed a card
And a shadey nurse to do the same.... They have no right to know that info it's ILLEGAL TO DO SUCH ACTIVITIES. See they ( Corp and mgmt ) do and will do illegal things to get the info they think they need!
BE CAREFUL DON'T ANSWER QUESTIONS if they were pro union they already know.... Head down mouth shut. Keep ur job the only one who can out u is u.
And a shadey nurse to do the same.... They have no right to know that info it's ILLEGAL TO DO SUCH ACTIVITIES. See they ( Corp and mgmt ) do and will do illegal things to get the info they think they need!
BE CAREFUL DON'T ANSWER QUESTIONS if they were pro union they already know.... Head down mouth shut. Keep ur job the only one who can out u is u.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The voicemail number 1 (615) 669-5344
Man I wish you all would use it .... No trickery it's google voice mail... Anyone got a dr pepper?
Tell me hi
Tell to kiss ur ass
Tell me a post
Tell me a comment
Tell me anything u want
Cuz u ain't seen the last of me game ain't over yet !!! Call I'm waiting
Tell me hi
Tell to kiss ur ass
Tell me a post
Tell me a comment
Tell me anything u want
Cuz u ain't seen the last of me game ain't over yet !!! Call I'm waiting
Monday, October 24, 2011
See it's the Same script brain washing 101
East wing adon in mgmt stye today preaching how the union will not make it better but worse for you because all they are interested in is your money. You won't have any say in anything. You have to live by GLC policies. They make the rules not the union. You need to really think about not doing this because it will only hurt you in the end. You can't afford to have any more money taken out of your check especially when you don't even know how much they are going to take..... They was not worried when they took 15 min a shift away.....
Mgmt in the B. O. BOY IT STINKS
Some one in front office( she is let's say HR contact) but we know Coleen is running the show. Stating.... "Don't support the union. It is bad for this facility".( not the employees) "They have to close other facilities because times are tough." ( even with low census we are supporting the rest of the region let alone making money hand over fist by pulling money out our pockets that is a quote who has access to the books! ) "This just might happen here if we don't try to stop it. " (Are they gonna kill the cash cow I mean really?) "We need to tell everyone not to vote for the union so we can keep our jobs"......... AND IF THE UNION IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE THINGS TO OUR ADVANTAGE WHY THIS BIG FIGHT. AWWW WILL THEY NOT BE ABLE TO TREAT US LIKE SLAVES AND DO WHAT EVER TO US? They are making my point for me!!!
They are pulling non management staff to do the dirty work ( illegal) I want to talk about the union. You know you techs have a lot of influence (or was that monkeys), over each other. Union is bad for ya all because all it does is take money from you and you have no better rights than you have now. They are lying to you. They just want your money. You will have no say. If they get in the workers will strike and we won't have anyone to take care of our residents and we will risk being shut down (oh, what happened to their precious 360 company). WHY WOULD WE WANT TO STRIKE WHEN WE JUST WANT TO NOT BE SINGLED OUT.... You don't have to have a vote to go on strike (LOL! dumb ass 2/3)! you don't get paid when you are on strike. Some of the people here are being told by the union they get paid when they are on strike and that is just no true. You won't get anymore money, all policies that are in place now will remain. The union is a bad way to go and I want you to tell all the other techs that they can't afford for the union to take money out of their checks and besides they decide what they are going to take not you. God knows it could be 150 dollars or more a month. (BITCH SLAP THIS ONE LIER THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BE HIGH BASED ON WADGE MADE.....). Two of our techs have already been threatened by the union. ( THAT IS A LIE THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS YOUR ADDRESS IS THE US LABOR BOARD NOW.....) Go to this website and you will see them there. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. I am counting on all of you spreading the word to not go union.
Every one needs to play the game a little diff. Play anti union if u have to the name of the game is to stay there and work bring a union in to rep us so we can cont to do our job Jimmy Hoffa comment keyed me in to write this post. The pro union people keep heads down and mouths shut cuz the vote is coming . Anonymous vote at that time u will ROAR LIKE A LION AND U WILL MAKE THIS FRIEND VERY PROUD so do what u do.......
Saturday, October 22, 2011
some one commented on the beatdown blog that they have been working here for years and that they have worked for a union in the past.. no one is saying that there are some unions that SUCK and there are some that are good.... it is all about who is reprisenting them.. look at UPS without a doubt that is a great job. Why without a union they would be a bunch of over worked underpayed truck drivers that didint have shit for benifits, in brown. before you spout off MAYBE YOU SHOULD DO SOME RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN. stop acting like a sheep and following the ones who dont want it... and if it is not going to change things in our favor why are they fighting it so hard? to save us union dues???? they dont mind freezing raises and taking 15 min away evey shift... that equals your union dues right there. THIS IS ALL ABOUT JOB SECURITY. to protect the ones that do there job well and still end up on the chopping block.... DO SOME RESEARCH....... thanks
Friday, October 21, 2011
Well by now Im sure you have read the Topix of Golden Living Center Employees Fired. If not please go to their site and read. Isn't it amazing, that facility is going through what ours is. They were not trying to organize a union. They were just asking for better care, treatment. "Fired for no reason" stated they were doing the same thing in the GIC of Maryland and replacing them with Foreign staff. "Uracrybaby" who sounds a lot like the "outsider who was on our blog. Was down right nasty like the outsider stated "that GIC was stem celling Mackacks monkeys to work for them, because all they wanted was Chaquita banana's. Sound Familiar. "Cali and Imo" stated The corp knew exactly what takes place and they only care if it cost them money or if the state gets called. Sound Familiar. Take notice that their blogs started in Feb 2011. Right around the time we started experiencing the problems here. Take notice the blog ended in Jul 2011. I wonder what happened. I bet they were all fired. Just like that great nurse and many other valuable employees here. They didn't fire them because of the Union. They fired them because they could. Without representation we call can be fired. You wouldn't go to court without a Lawyer. You shouldn't go into any of those offices without representation. Right now resident care (once again) is last on their list. They are pulling people off the floor 3 or 4 times during their shift, taking away from resident care. Because they are so concerned for you trying to get a union. What a joke. They don't care about the residents and you. We all are just numbers. LPN's you know each and every one of you will be eliminated. The nurse we just lost was a LPN. The job posted is for a RN. Look at the ratio of RN's vs LPN's. Look at all the new nurses hired in the past 6 months. They are all RN's. You cant tell me a qualified LPN has not applied. They are only advertising for a RN. They will pick on you until you quit. If your a Die hard they will fire you. Because they can. We are at Will. The only thing that will give you job security is collective bargaining. You might think, Oh well, i will just go somewhere else and work. Really! GIC says their the leading industry in long term care. The others corp will follow. In the past their was nothing but LPN's working these facilities. We even got great surveys. But now you aren't cutting it, They only want RN's It sure is funny how all these RN's are here and the bldg is worse. The corp claims they are loosing money, and we all will feel the impact. But my my, look at all the money they are paying out to prevent the change we need.

1. This is same speech THEY HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO GIVE to everyone when THEY can corner them: I want to talk to you about the union and how bad it is for all of us. You won't have anymore rights then you do now.
2. All policies will remain the same.
3.You can still be fired for the same reasons as before. In fact (laughing) we don't have to have a reason. In fact you can bring the union along and he can watch you get fired.
4.All the union does is charge you dues that are at their discretion and nothing changes. You don't know how much they will take out of your check. It is up to them to decide.
5.It is still the same just like it is now.
6.Our policies will not change and the schedules will be the same. You will not be making policy. Golden living pays what it pays and if you need something different you need to go somewhere else.
7. The union targets the people on the low-end(meaning the monkeys) because they know the least and have less skills.
1. GLC has spent big $$$$ to learn what to say from union busters do you see any NEW NEW people there? all we want is the right to work without fear of losing our job because they are bitches and u didnt kiss there ass.
2. policies on resident care are going to stay the same!!! but things will change not all things but things will change.
3. yes if you are a bad worker you will eventually get fired.... but if you are a great employee and have a rough spell.. the tigers will not be able to pounce on you for bullshit ( like some one hear recently).
4.union dues are going to be dues not high this is a big ass union ill pay 20.00 every 2 weeks for protection from someone that is pissy and on there period.
5. we want things better are you saying that things were awsome before all of this i think we was at rock bottom.
6. we shall see.. but if you are hired for a 40/week thats right they need to uphold that policy they cant pick and choose what they want to do to us isnt that getting old. we have a problems... bring it to the table and come to a comprimise..... this is not a street paved in gold it just unites us for the better. 1 is week 100 is strong and the sched and 12hrs for nurses is NOT POLICY it is a TRIAL that is failing for us and saving them millions over time. and what they are doing is hiring that dont know the diff. kiss your job goodbye.
7. the UPPER managment dont want it because # 1 they are salary and higher is is all about making more money each year, stocks ect.. yes UNIONS are for us on the LOW END weather it be a resident or working in a steel mill IT IS WORK. and im tired of being treated LIKE A " MINDLESS MONKEY "
hmmmm... kinda racist for them to say that...... We have a VOICE it is easily heard the more voices you say it with.... NO managment wants to lie to you so u will be "GOOD TRAINED MONKEYS"
COMMENTS????? QUESTIONS?????Wednesday, October 19, 2011
WELL IT IS BACK i did alot of thinking and well when i got the news today that I AM NO MORE and THEY ROBBED ME OF MY VACATION ALL 120hrs I well OVER EARNED I AM PISSED.
it is ok though i hav many people actually wanting me to work for them... think im gonna move up to mgmt to make a difference those who are close ill let you know.. but fuck it remember beatdown blog click there cuz i want to and so we cant forget what they did when they say im sorry i love u please vote NO..... let me hear you and the phone number works for this site and beatdown site 6156695344 please use it and if you have nothing to say just say hi or fuck u if you are on my fightin side.. see there actions just made things worse. hello search engines. and BART DURHAM? LABOR BOARD? cant wait to make many calls in am
vote yes for job security u dont want to be fired for attendance do you?
it is ok though i hav many people actually wanting me to work for them... think im gonna move up to mgmt to make a difference those who are close ill let you know.. but fuck it remember beatdown blog click there cuz i want to and so we cant forget what they did when they say im sorry i love u please vote NO..... let me hear you and the phone number works for this site and beatdown site 6156695344 please use it and if you have nothing to say just say hi or fuck u if you are on my fightin side.. see there actions just made things worse. hello search engines. and BART DURHAM? LABOR BOARD? cant wait to make many calls in am
vote yes for job security u dont want to be fired for attendance do you?
Seems like we have had alot of gosh darn meetings!!!! I mean department heads.
Why are we not having meetings if this is so bad. I mean if things are going to be bad,we should be having these OMG OMG WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO...
Think of it this way: we got tired of mommy and daddy beating us even when homework was done and chores complete, so big sister called child protective services.... Now us kiddies don't have to worry about getting yelled at and beat up and put down no more.
Mom and dad are scared cuz they can't beat on us no more! I just wish they were called before little brother didn't make it via there drunk on power scank asses
Why are we not having meetings if this is so bad. I mean if things are going to be bad,we should be having these OMG OMG WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO...
Think of it this way: we got tired of mommy and daddy beating us even when homework was done and chores complete, so big sister called child protective services.... Now us kiddies don't have to worry about getting yelled at and beat up and put down no more.
Mom and dad are scared cuz they can't beat on us no more! I just wish they were called before little brother didn't make it via there drunk on power scank asses
Monday, October 17, 2011
Union busting from the best.....see man in video on side bar......>
Unionbusting number 101 from a union buster (former)
Fear is there will number one tool they use. without fear there is no unionbusting. It's the union busters lobster caviar its everything to them.
Fear is used :
2. Employees, way of life and their job and their way to make a living for their families.
3. Fear is used in the form of lying taking lying lying lying to get the job done.
ALONG WITH BREAKING THE LAW THE EMOTIONAL ELEMENT OF FEAR IS VITAL. however fear... it's already there how workers unfortunately know that management historically is antiunion so it's a big step for them developed the courage and that's why some of these exposure techniques help a union busters working without the atmosphere is like working with one leg and one arm FEARS ARE ESSENTIAL. AND EVEN IF IT HAS TO BE INSTILLED IT IS A FAVORITE BY UNION BUSTERS. FEAR is a daily diet that they almost thrive on, and the daily diet consists of ignorance fear, greed in ego. I conducted in excess of 200 almost 250 anti-union campaigns that during that same period, I lost only 5 3 of which never got to a contract WE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THE LAW.....
you should know the union busted that there is a practicing unionbusting that can be successful if you doesn't break the law routinely, but I'm not just talking about labor law there have been instances I was about and so myself although I I put it through another layers of my hands were clean but criminal violations if that's what it takes if anything I was destroying the security the family's and well being of working people all over the country. They are not concerned they have no feeling they have no carring about the well-being of the people at the employees in the workplace they are there with one goal and one goal and that is to do whatever it takes however horrific however illegal to destroy the collective spirit. To ensure that the employer remains union free. Even companies that PLEAD POVERTY.. that couldn't afford to even keep some of there current employees want to came to union busting... they found the money and they didn't care how much was. To me I was a kid in the candy store because not only was I incredibly overpaid but whatever I I wish to do I could do and they didn't care when you hire a HITMAN A HIRED GUN you hire that person for a reason this is a reason of destruction, when you do come up against the union buster understand that that person from the onset of his launching his union busting campaign the first words out of his mouth to management is that your employees has declared war on your company...... That is when I become the terrorist
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The original takers ahhh did u gets some bad news cocky ones
Well a very interesting day today. Adminstration here. (on a sunday) answering call lights helping out in the dining room! Never ever has that happened before, not even during the week, and a weekend. But you have been forewarned. Remember they will now try and be your best friend. Where were they before. We have burned up their hotline, begging for help. all to a deaf ear. They just dont want us to unionize. Why do you suppose that is? Because the Union is for us. Look us Union. to be one, to be united. This isnt about money. They spend a fortune to keep unions out. This is about control. They dont want you to be a voice. But Our residents need our voice. They have been needing it for sooo long. Dont be fooled. Dont let our residents down. because if we do. When this is all over for us. It will go back to the way it was, and has been for too long. NO CARE. so they can make their budgets all at the residents and your expense. Hang tough. God bless
Here are the facts This is education 101 unions
1. The U.S. Constitution Protects the Right to Unionize
The U.S. Constitution protects and the U.S. public policy encourages the right of workers to unionize. Despite the corporate media and conservative critics that serve the interest of the wealthy dishonest attempts to demonize organized labor the truth is that the government has the power to regulate and pass laws enforcing labor relations and collective bargaining rights. Moreover, this country embraces those rights as a public policy. If you do not believe me trying doing some homework. Okay, you are too busy to do the homework, then read on because I have done a little of the work you.
It is not my intention to cover the overwhelming statutes, regulations, and court cases that support the proposition that the U.S. Constitution protects workers’ right to collective bargaining and to unionize. No one can handle such a monster size task in a simple blog. I will leave that work to others to perform; however, I will provide you with a brief introduction to the U.S. Constitutional provisions that I believe support those rights. It is my intent to give you enough facts that will help you recognize the lies stated by the corporate media and conservative critics who serve the wealthy in their attempts to bust unions.
Allow me to start-off with an admission that no provision in the U.S. Constitution directly or literally addresses workers’ right to collective bargaining or join unions. However, I hope that we can agree that the U.S. Constitutional does not always literally spell-out every constitutional right we enjoy in this country. People, with at least a fifth grade education, accept the fact that many of our rights have developed over the years by principles of law established by the courts and their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Hence, if we can all agree to the obvious that the absence of direct statutory language does not make an established right any less enforceable or meaningful, then we can move on to those provisions of the U.S. Constitution that Congress and the courts have found to support the right to unionize.
Let us start with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. No intense research or citations to law or court cases are need to make the equally obvious point that the First Amendment protection us from government infringement of our rights to the freedom of speech and assembly. Although the law does not specifically enumerate every type of individual, group, type of speech, or events covered by the law, Congress qand the courts have broadly applied this law; and, once again, it is no less enforceable oqr meaningful. Therefore, if every person has the right to assemble with people of their cqhoosing, then it naturally follows that workers have the right to form unions. What more need I say?
Next, the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution perqmits Congress to pass laws regulating labor–management relations. The Interstate Commerce Clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate inqqterstate commerce, and the U. S. Supreme Court has interpreted this to mean that the government has the power to regulate labor relations. Relying on this law, Congress in the 1930s passeQd the Wagner Act -or the National Labor Relations Act - as we know it today. In passing the Wagner Act, Congress made it very clear that the public policy of the United States favored workers’ rights to unionize and encouraged collective bargaining. Anyone aware of the current attacks against workers will agree that the intent and the public policy reasons as stated by Congress in the 1930s are equally relevant today as they were then. In 1930s, Congress stated as follows:
“The inequality of bargaining power between employees who do not possess full freedom of association or actual liberty of contract and employers who are organized in the corporate or other forms of ownership associations substantially burdens and affects the flow of commerce, and tends to aggravate recurrent business depressions, by depressing wage rates and the purchasing power of wage earners in industry and preventing the stabilization of competitive wage rates and working conditions within and between industries."
"Experience has proved that protection by law of the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively safeguards commerce from injury, impairment, or interruption, and promotes the flow of commerce by removing certain recognized sources of industrial strife and unrest, by encouraging practices fundamental to the friendly adjustment of industrial dispute arising out of differences as to wages, hours, or other working conditions, and by restoring equality of bargaining power between employers and employees."
. . .
"It is declared to be the policy of the United States to eliminate the cases of certain substantial obstructions to the free flow of commerce and to mitigate and eliminate these obstructions when they have occurred by encouraging the practice and procedure of collective bargaining and by protecting the exercise by workers of full freedom of association, self-organization, and designation of representation of their own choosing, for the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of their employment or other mutual aid or protection.“
See, the National Labor Relations Act, Section 1, cited as 29 U.S.C. § 151.
In addition, the U. S. Supreme Court has relied on basic due process of law principles of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution to resolve labor-management cases. Of course, the Fifth Amendment guarantees us due process of law at the federal level and the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees the same rights at the state and local levels. Federal courts have relied on the these Amendments to uphold laws providing for the establishment of minimum wages, limits on the length of workweeks, requirements to pay overtime, the elimination of discriminatory conduct by employers against workers, and many other rights. For example, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on race, gender, color, religion, or national origin. Other federal laws prohibit wage discrimination based on gender, age, or disability.
Of course, individual states may pass laws giving workers greater rights than those guaranteed by federal laws, but the Supremacy Clause in Article VII of the U.S. Constitution and the incorporation of the Fourteenth Amendment extends these federal protections to the state and local levels. Therefore, a state can never take away federally established workers’ rights to bargain collectively and to unionize.
As I stated above, this was only a brief look into the U.S. Constitution and its provisions that support workers rights to organize, unionize, and collective bargaining. The rest of the homework is up to you to complete but I hope by now you have enough correct information to reject the misinformation out there that workers have no legal rights to bargain collectively or to unionize.
Posted by Steven Holguin from his own site please check him out
1. The U.S. Constitution Protects the Right to Unionize
The U.S. Constitution protects and the U.S. public policy encourages the right of workers to unionize. Despite the corporate media and conservative critics that serve the interest of the wealthy dishonest attempts to demonize organized labor the truth is that the government has the power to regulate and pass laws enforcing labor relations and collective bargaining rights. Moreover, this country embraces those rights as a public policy. If you do not believe me trying doing some homework. Okay, you are too busy to do the homework, then read on because I have done a little of the work you.
It is not my intention to cover the overwhelming statutes, regulations, and court cases that support the proposition that the U.S. Constitution protects workers’ right to collective bargaining and to unionize. No one can handle such a monster size task in a simple blog. I will leave that work to others to perform; however, I will provide you with a brief introduction to the U.S. Constitutional provisions that I believe support those rights. It is my intent to give you enough facts that will help you recognize the lies stated by the corporate media and conservative critics who serve the wealthy in their attempts to bust unions.
Allow me to start-off with an admission that no provision in the U.S. Constitution directly or literally addresses workers’ right to collective bargaining or join unions. However, I hope that we can agree that the U.S. Constitutional does not always literally spell-out every constitutional right we enjoy in this country. People, with at least a fifth grade education, accept the fact that many of our rights have developed over the years by principles of law established by the courts and their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Hence, if we can all agree to the obvious that the absence of direct statutory language does not make an established right any less enforceable or meaningful, then we can move on to those provisions of the U.S. Constitution that Congress and the courts have found to support the right to unionize.
Let us start with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. No intense research or citations to law or court cases are need to make the equally obvious point that the First Amendment protection us from government infringement of our rights to the freedom of speech and assembly. Although the law does not specifically enumerate every type of individual, group, type of speech, or events covered by the law, Congress qand the courts have broadly applied this law; and, once again, it is no less enforceable oqr meaningful. Therefore, if every person has the right to assemble with people of their cqhoosing, then it naturally follows that workers have the right to form unions. What more need I say?
Next, the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution perqmits Congress to pass laws regulating labor–management relations. The Interstate Commerce Clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate inqqterstate commerce, and the U. S. Supreme Court has interpreted this to mean that the government has the power to regulate labor relations. Relying on this law, Congress in the 1930s passeQd the Wagner Act -or the National Labor Relations Act - as we know it today. In passing the Wagner Act, Congress made it very clear that the public policy of the United States favored workers’ rights to unionize and encouraged collective bargaining. Anyone aware of the current attacks against workers will agree that the intent and the public policy reasons as stated by Congress in the 1930s are equally relevant today as they were then. In 1930s, Congress stated as follows:
“The inequality of bargaining power between employees who do not possess full freedom of association or actual liberty of contract and employers who are organized in the corporate or other forms of ownership associations substantially burdens and affects the flow of commerce, and tends to aggravate recurrent business depressions, by depressing wage rates and the purchasing power of wage earners in industry and preventing the stabilization of competitive wage rates and working conditions within and between industries."
"Experience has proved that protection by law of the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively safeguards commerce from injury, impairment, or interruption, and promotes the flow of commerce by removing certain recognized sources of industrial strife and unrest, by encouraging practices fundamental to the friendly adjustment of industrial dispute arising out of differences as to wages, hours, or other working conditions, and by restoring equality of bargaining power between employers and employees."
. . .
"It is declared to be the policy of the United States to eliminate the cases of certain substantial obstructions to the free flow of commerce and to mitigate and eliminate these obstructions when they have occurred by encouraging the practice and procedure of collective bargaining and by protecting the exercise by workers of full freedom of association, self-organization, and designation of representation of their own choosing, for the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of their employment or other mutual aid or protection.“
See, the National Labor Relations Act, Section 1, cited as 29 U.S.C. § 151.
In addition, the U. S. Supreme Court has relied on basic due process of law principles of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution to resolve labor-management cases. Of course, the Fifth Amendment guarantees us due process of law at the federal level and the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees the same rights at the state and local levels. Federal courts have relied on the these Amendments to uphold laws providing for the establishment of minimum wages, limits on the length of workweeks, requirements to pay overtime, the elimination of discriminatory conduct by employers against workers, and many other rights. For example, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on race, gender, color, religion, or national origin. Other federal laws prohibit wage discrimination based on gender, age, or disability.
Of course, individual states may pass laws giving workers greater rights than those guaranteed by federal laws, but the Supremacy Clause in Article VII of the U.S. Constitution and the incorporation of the Fourteenth Amendment extends these federal protections to the state and local levels. Therefore, a state can never take away federally established workers’ rights to bargain collectively and to unionize.
As I stated above, this was only a brief look into the U.S. Constitution and its provisions that support workers rights to organize, unionize, and collective bargaining. The rest of the homework is up to you to complete but I hope by now you have enough correct information to reject the misinformation out there that workers have no legal rights to bargain collectively or to unionize.
Posted by Steven Holguin from his own site please check him out
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